martes, 6 de marzo de 2018


»Trujillo's central square
Beautiful historical setting from where Martín de Estete began the layout of the city commissioned by the founder Diego de Almagro in December 1534.
In its beginnings, the square was deserted, without any monument, until in 1841 Don Pedro de Mandalengoitia Sanz de Zaráte donated a pool made of white stone that was built on his farm and work of Santa Cruz de Carabamba. In 1867 the pool was illuminated with eight davits with their respective lanterns and an iron fence was installed to protect it.
At the center of the square is currently the Monument of La Libertad, sculpted by the German Edmund Moeller and then armed by Enrique Albretch. Opened on July 4, 1929.
The monument consists of 3 bodies, each with a special meaning.
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»Church of the Society of Jesus
Convent considered as Monumental Heritage of the Nation. It is located in the Historic Center of Trujillo.
This architectural monument is managed by the National University of Trujillo and the chapel has been equipped as an auditorium.
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»The Cathedral of the City of Trujillo
The Cathedral of Trujillo (also known as Cathedral Basilica of Santa Maria) is the cathedral and main church of Trujillo, Peru. Its construction lasted 19 years, from 1647 to 1666. In 1967, it was elevated to the category of "Minor Basilica", by Pope John Paul II.
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»Chan Chan Archaeological Center

Chan Chan, a city completely built in mud, was the capital of Chimú civilization. It was developed from 900 to 1470, when the Chimor kingdom was conquered by the Incas. Its administrative buildings became mausoleums to the death of the ruler who was mummified and rested in his palace, but was still entertained a year after his death. He had 10 palaces, one for each ruler who reigned there. The fact that it was made of mud and looting makes it not very well preserved: the archaeological site occupies about 20 km2 and only 2% of the complex can be visited, in particular a palace, that of Nik-an, which has been Restored and largely rebuilt. But it is possible to get an idea of ​​the majesty of the big capital and admire some of its reliefs.
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»Archaeological Center of the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon
The Mochica culture was one of the richest known by ancient Peru and not only Peru. Every trace we found of this civilization on our trip amazed us a little more and made us question how we could ignore it so much.
The capital of the Mochica culture was established just in the area of ​​the current Trujillo, and had about 20,000 inhabitants. The huaca del Sol was the residence of the rulers and the Huaca de la Luna was the temple. Now, in addition to the museum of the site, you only visit the old temple, built between the year 100 and 600. If it is spectacular now, after so many looting and storms, how should it be in its period of splendor?
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»Huanchaco Beach
Not everything was going to be culture ... and there's also a beach near Trujillo. Huanchaco is an unattractive coastal town with a fairly modest beach, but there you go to see the famous totora caballitos: the traditional boats of the fishermen of Peru that, in some cases, are still used, and the sunsets.
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Here is a video...


Here I show you the festive dates, and you can see when you visit us!

January 12 - 27: National Marinera Competition. Parade of the marinera academies of the country. Fiesta del Perol. Contests of the step horse.
March 19: Feast of San Isidro El Labrador.
March / April (movable date): Holy Week in Trujillo. Traditional festivity of greater popular fevor in Peru, from immemorial years, diverse processions are realized that remember to the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ during 08 days.
April 24: Celebration of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo de Tayabamba in Pataz.
05 - May 15: Patronal Feast in honor of San Isidro Labrador - Moche.
June 29: Patronal Feast in honor of San Pedro and San Pablo. Huanchaco - Salaverry
July 13: Celebration of Santiago de Chuco.
July 28 and 29: Patriotic Festivities: Patriotic Anniversary, in all of Peru, civic-military activities are carried out; parade throughout the homeland, in addition are popular regional and local fairs, folk concerts (Andean and Creole) with the presentation of rock groups. During these dates it is very usual to observe the circuses installed in different regions of Peru.
July 29: Feast of the Lord of Caña in Chiclín.
August 15th: Fiesta de la Alta Gracia in Huamachuco.
September 20: International Spring Festival, election and coronation of queens, exhibition of handicrafts and agricultural products, presentation of national and international artists, as well as horseriding, rooster fights, etc.
September 24: Patronal feast of the virgin of Mercedes de Salpo in Otusco.
December 3: Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
December 08: Feast of the Immaculate Conception. In the provinces of Peru there are novenas, masses and processions.
December 15: Celebration in honor of the Virgin of the Door.
December 25: Christmas of the child God.
December 29: Anniversary of the independence of Trujillo - Trujillo.


Location: North coast of Peru, 557 kilometers from the city of Lima.
Altitude: 34 m.s.n.m.
Climate: Warm and spring weather, with average annual temperature of 18.9 ° C.
Land: 25,962Km2

Routes of access to Trujillo:
By road: There are interprovincial transportation services that depart from the city of Lima to this city, through the Pan-American highway north, the trip takes about 8 hours.
By air: Through daily flights from Lima to Trujillo, with an approximate duration of 45 minutes.
The "Carlos Martínez de Pinillos" airport is located in the district of Huanchaco, 10.5 km north of Trujillo

Also here I leave the data of Dircetur Trujillo
Comercio Exterior y Turísmo - DIRCETUR TRUJILLO 
Av. España 1800 - Trujillo
Telefax: 044-296221

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Trujillo was one of the first cities founded by Spanish conquistadors in American lands. It was Diego de Almagro who on December 6, 1534, founded the Villa de Trujillo in homage to the native town of Francisco Pizarro, Trujillo de Extremadura. The following year, Pizarro formalized the foundation of the city on March 5, 1535 and called it Ciudad de Trujillo de Nueva Castilla. On that occasion, the layout of the city was made, the same one that has been maintained until today, and the first 31 plots were distributed to the founder neighbors. In 1537, on November 23, King Charles V granted him the title of City through Royal Decree and gave him his coat of arms, which is also maintained until today.

Trujillo was established from its foundation as the most important city in the northern half of the Viceroyalty and as an intermediate point between the City of Kings and its port, established as the capital of the viceroyalty, and the Spanish sites located in Panama.

By 1544, Trujillo had 300 houses and approximately 1,000 inhabitants. The economy flourishes from sugarcane and wheat, bread-growing crops and raising livestock.

This Royal Certificate can be found now in the House of Emancipation, on the corner of the streets of Gamarra and Pizarro.